Monday, November 10, 2008

Visions Gallery San Diego, CA

Current exhibit at Visions Gallery includes Playing With A Full Deck and small art work by artists who are part of the collection of 52 quilts that make up the Full Deck exhibit. Visit the Visions gallery web site for more information. Shown here is my small quilt titled "Always" featuring mixed media collage with silks, paper, and hand colored photos.

We're going on a Cruise

Deb Roberts is organizing a Cruise around the British Isles
and I will be teaching while we are at sea. Save the dates,
August 25 to Sept. 5, 2009. This cruise benefits the
Quilters Hall of Fame. Please visit the web site
for all the details
and click on Quilt Cruise for a Cause. Be the first
to get your reservation in.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


International Quilt Festival, Bernina Fashion Show Rendezvous. It is a great  show "A Body of Work, Essence of Me"  is the title of my entry.  To see more quilts and visit the show room floor go to and click the link to the Festival.