Great fun to visit Quilting Arts TV studio to tape a segment for the next series. I arrived in Cleveland Sunday afternoon, drove to the studio Monday morning with Jeanne Delpit, who was the Bernina support manager on set. After makeup and set up in the green room, I did my segment taping with Pokey Bolton, had lunch and left for the airport, arriving back in CA at 11 PM.
Here are photos of what I would look like if I were taller and thinner. I couldn't resist taking my own picture in the mirror propped up on the wall. The distortion was perfect, I think I look at least 6 inches taller. Helen Gregory was Pokey's support team along to help the star of the show. Thanks to Jeanne for taking this photo of Helen and I. This is what the set looks like when you walk in the room - big cameras and lots of cords. Challenge is not bumping into or tripping over anything.